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About me

For as long as I can remember, writing has been one of my greatest passions. One of my earliest writing memories is creating a sequel to Charlotte's Web in third grade because I didn't like that Charlotte died. I wrote this over the top story of how a blood transfusion was able to bring her back to life. Oh, to be so young and innocent again. 
Since that time, ideas have been pouring out of me. It has been an uphill battle, as like many artists, I freely admit that I am my own worst critic. However, in order to truly grow I have to let go and allow myself  to be vulnerable. I wish I had done it earlier, as this endeavor has been one of the most exciting and growing experiences I have ever had. 

I was born and raised in Michigan but have called Ohio my home since 1994. My husband Stacey and I will soon be celebrating our twentieth anniversary in March 2016. We will also be celebrating our first year of legal marriage as well. We live with our two dogs, and cat. I couldn't ask for a better support system than my family. 
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